• 3 razones para comprar una casa en el mercado cambiante de hoy [Infografía],KCM Crew

    3 razones para comprar una casa en el mercado cambiante de hoy [Infografía]

    Algunos aspectos destacados:El mercado de la vivienda se está alejando del frenesí del año pasado y le está abriendo las puertas si está pensando en comprar una casa.El inventario de la vivienda está aumentando, lo que significa más opciones para su búsqueda. Además, la intensidad de las guerras de  ofertas puede disminuir a medida que la demanda de los compradores se modera, lo que lleva a que menos casas se vendan por encima del precio de venta.Si está listo para comprar una casa, ahora puede ser el momento que ha estado esperando. Vamos a comunicarnos para comenzar hoy el proceso de compra de vivienda.


  • Three Reasons To Buy a Home in Today’s Shifting Market [INFOGRAPHIC],KCM Crew

    Three Reasons To Buy a Home in Today’s Shifting Market [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Some HighlightsThe housing market is moving away from the frenzy of the past year and it’s opening doors for you if you’re thinking about buying a home.Housing inventory is increasing, which means more options for your search. Plus, the intensity of bidding wars may ease as buyer demand moderates, leading to fewer homes selling above asking price.If you’re ready to buy a home, now may be the moment you’ve been waiting for. Let’s connect to start the homebuying process today.


  • Want To Buy a Home? Now May Be the Time.,KCM Crew

    Want To Buy a Home? Now May Be the Time.

    There are more homes for sale today than at any time last year. So, if you tried to buy a home last year and were outbid or out priced, now may be your opportunity. The number of homes for sale in the U.S. has been growing over the past four months as rising mortgage rates help slow the frenzy the housing market saw during the pandemic.Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), explains why the shifting market creates a window of opportunity for you:“This is an opportunity for people with a secure job to jump into the market, when other people are a little hesitant because of a possible recession. . . They’ll have fewer buyers to compete with.”Two Reasons There Are More Homes for SaleThe first reason the market is seeing more homes available for sale is the number of sales happening each month has decreased. This slowdown has been caused by rising mortgage rates and rising home prices, leading many to postpone or put off buying. The graph below uses data from realtor.com to show how active real estate listings have risen over the past four months as a result.The second reason the market is seeing more homes available for sale is because the number of people selling their homes is also rising. The graph below outlines new monthly listings coming onto the market compared to last year. As the graph shows, for the past three months, more people have put their homes on the market than the previous year.Bottom Line The number of homes for sale across the country is growing, and that means more options for those thinking about buying a home. This is the opportunity many have been waiting for who were outbid or out priced last year.
