• 3 easy Steps to Pain-Free Downsizing,Felix Hernandez

    3 easy Steps to Pain-Free Downsizing

    One thing certain during the COVID-19 pandemic – we all becameintimately familiar with our homes. Being cooped up in them all day madethis unavoidable. From the extra room that does nothing but gather dust to having lowerutility bills and maintenance costs, there's a lot to be said for downsizing.So, let's get you started on your downsizing project. 1. DECIDE NOT TO STRESS OVER IT While it's good to have a downsizing plan, give yourself permission to take itslow if you need to. Do one room at a time or even decide to tackle half ofeach room during a session. Or, start with paperwork, photos, collections or kitchen utensils.If the thought of sorting through your belongings and getting rid of theexcess makes you anxious, start the process in a "neutral" room, such as theoffice or kitchen. 2. COME UP WITH A SYSTEM One of the most brilliantly simple systems we've heard about involves usingdifferent colored-sticky notes. For example, slap green sticky notes on items you're keeping, yellow onitems you're giving away and pink on those you haven't made a finaldecision about yet. Another system involves "The Rule of One Thing In, Two Things Out." Forevery platter, book or other item in a collection that you decide to take withyou, choose two that you'll give away. 3. WHAT GOES WITH YOU AND WHAT STAYS? "Keep things you want, use, need, or like to look at," is the key to successfullydownsizing, according to Laura McCamy at BusinessInsider.com. Then, consider the size of the new home. If it's half the size of your currenthome, you'll need to get rid of half of your "stuff." Focusing on furniture is typically the best place to start the decision-makingproject. Oversized sofas, tables and the like may need to go to make way forsomething more to scale with the size of your new home's room.   


  • 5 Sure-Fire Tips for a Quick, Easy Home Sale!,Felix Hernandez

    5 Sure-Fire Tips for a Quick, Easy Home Sale!

      Selling your home can be surprisingly timeconsuming and emotionally challenging. Strangers come in, poke around, critique your home, and then offer less than you think it's worth - if anything at all. Below are five tips for getting the highest possible price for your home within a reasonable timeframe... without losing your mind. 1. Kick emotions to the curb. When selling your home, it's best to see yourself as a businessperson rather than as a homeowner. Looking at the transaction from a purely financial perspective helps detach from the emotional aspects of selling your home. 2. Hire an expert agent. An expert agent will help set a fair price for your home and also play middleman, negotiator and problem solver. In addition, he/she will handle the enormous amounts of paperwork and pitfalls involved in real estate transactions - ensuring a smooth, stress-free experience for you. 3. Price it right - but don't expect to get that price. Smart buyers will negotiate and, If you want to complete the sale, you'll have to play the game. It's a good idea to list your home at a price that attracts buyers, while still leaving room for negotiation 4. Make photos a priority. More than 85% of buyers start their home search online these days. Having crisp, clear photos - preferably taken by a professional - that showcase the entire house both ninside and out will set your listing above the rest and help generate interest. 5. Primp and stage. If you don't clean and stage your home, you're leaving money on the table. Have a friend or agent with a fresh pair of eyes point out areas that need work in case you're too familiar to “see” the trouble spots. Decluttering, adding a fresh coat of paint, eliminating odors and pumping up the curb appeal also help make a good impression. Taking note of these five sure-fire tips will go a long way toward helping you achieve the seamless, lucrative transaction every home seller hopes to have.   


  • 5 Killer Tips for a Successful Sale This Summer,Felix Hernandez

    5 Killer Tips for a Successful Sale This Summer

        1. Focus on curb appeal. Keep your lawn in tip-top shape by watering and mowing regularly. Trim the bushes, plant flowers that are summer-heat tolerant, get rid of the weeds, and make your entryway warm and welcoming. 2. Have flexible showing hours. It's not unusual in this market to have requests for multiple showings (and offers) in rapid succession. Once a property hits the market, people want to see it quickly. Flexibility and trusting your agent to have your best interests at heart are vital. 3. Deliver pizazz. Fresh flowers, gleaming windows, clean scents, soft jazz music in the background and wellstaged touches are important to creating an enticing showcase of a home. 4. Keep it cool. No one wants to walk into a stuffy home.  Be sure the air is on and circulating well. A cool interior will keep potential buyers viewing the home longer. 5. Price it right. While it is a seller's market, overpricing right out of the chute will cause your home to sit on the market. Price it right, and you could have the opposite reaction: multiple offers and bidding wars. There are many ways to get your home sold today for top dollar and few, if any, headaches. That's where relying on a trusted professional comes in handy. I can make sure it is staged, priced and photographed properly to make it stand out from the competition. Want to learn more about getting the most from your home investment? Call or text me today. I'm here to help.    
